Dec. 23, 2021

Rachael Reagan, Kitchen 66, and a Journey of Food

Rachael Reagan, Kitchen 66, and a Journey of Food

Jesse and Chris are joined by Rachael Reagan, the program director of Kitchen 66, Tulsa's kickstart kitchen, and Tulsa's first food incubator. Kitchen 66 is a nonprofit program of the Lobeck Taylor Family Foundation. Rachael discusses her academic career and passion and how that lead her to a love of cooking, food, and Kitchen 66.

Check out Kitchen 66 on the web at:

We also want to recognize Tallgrass Estate Planning LLP, as they are the newest corporate partners with Rant9 Productions. We look forward to continuing our podcast network with their support, and we appreciate their efforts in creating a unique and necessary community service in estate planning today. Learn more about Tallgrass Estate Planning LLP, check out or check out their Facebook,

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